The Gallatin Rotary Club Would Like to Invite You to Join Us in Our Causes

Since our founding in 1923, The Gallatin Rotary Club has been promoting, assisting and financing many activities that few people know about.

Our biggest event is “Christmas for Kids” which we have done for 35+ years; we take around 130 deserving school-aged children shopping and send them home with not only gifts for them and their families, but a grocery cart overflowing with food and paper products so their families can have the Christmas every child deserves.

We also honor Gallatin High School CTE students, hold an annual banquet to honor the school’s top students, and give away a bicycle every month to one student in each Gallatin elementary school who exhibits great citizenship. And there’s more…

We meet almost every week at noon on Thursday’s at The Gathering Place, which is located at 450 West Main Street – it’s in the building in the back of the lot.

We would love to have you visit us, and if the time is not convenient, we have started a satellite club which meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm at BYH at 122 W. Franklin Street. Arrive a little early to get your food order in.

Either way, please come help us make Gallatin a better place than it already is…

If you have any questions, please contact us on our Facebook page (you will find a convenient link at the bottom right sidebar to this website) and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to meeting you!



Cover for Gallatin Rotary Club - noon
Gallatin Rotary Club - noon

Gallatin Rotary Club - noon

Gallatin Rotary Club meets at Noon on Thursdays at The Gathering Place.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2025Today at lunch we welcome Bethany Sullivan, Executive Director of the Gallatin Shalom Zone as our guest speaker. If you need an introduction to the Shalom Zone, here is their mission statement:"Gallatin Shalom Zone is designed to engage residents of Sumner County in the work of healing, peace, education, reconciliation, and love so that we can grow beyond our current circumstances and, together, live as a beloved community.We welcome children, youth, individuals, and families with the purpose of encouraging self-sufficiency, wholeness, health, and inner peace that generates long-term potential and prosperity."They do great work in our community and that role will be expanding soon in support of our community development with a new child care center under construction. Thursday, February 6, 202511:45am - buffet service opens for lunch12:15pm - Club program begins12:30pm - Shalom Zone presentation begins1:00pm - dismissal after Q&AWe'll see you at lunch! #rotarycalendar2025 #rotarycalendar #UpNextForRotary #TellYourRotaryBuddy #GuestSpeakers #ServiceAboveSelf #joinus #LetsGetToWork #PeopleOfAction #rotary #rotaryinternational #sumnercounty #sumnercountytn #gallatinrotary #gallatinrotaryclub #gallatintn #gallatinshalomzone #shalomzone ... See MoreSee Less
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LOOKING AHEAD: Check your calendar and confirm with your Rotary Buddy - the next three weeks are going to be strong programs!==== ==== ====Thursday, February 6, 2025 - Bethany Sullivan, Executive Director of the Shalom ZoneThursday, February 13, 2025 - John Isbell, County Mayor for Sumner CountyThursday, February 20, 2025 - Sonya Manfred, Executive Director of the Sumner County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children)==== ==== ====We'll see you soon at The Gathering Place!11:45am: Lunch service begins12:15pm: Club business begins12:25pm: Weekly program begins(Thursday, February 20 - Board meeting at 10:30am open to all members.)#rotarycalendar2025 #UpNextForRotary #GuestSpeakers #tellyourrotarybuddy #rotarycalendar #ServiceAboveSelf #LetsGetToWork #PeopleOfAction #JoinUs #Rotary #rotaryinternational #rotarydistrict6760 #GallatinTN #gallatinrotary #gallatinrotaryclub #itsagreatdaytobearotarian #sumnercountytn #sumnercounty #likecommentsharefollow ... See MoreSee Less
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Sometimes two weeks of Rotary connect and demonstrate how we are invested and partnered for the long term. On January 23 we hosted our annual Gallatin Rotary Christmas for Kids Sponsor Appreciation lunch. That tied into our January 30 visit to Highpoint Health Sumner for a tour of the facilities and services of our local hospital, which is also a GRCFK partner. We want to thank Rogers Group, First Presbyterian Church, and Highpoint Health Sumner as three of our 75 corporate, foundation, and individual donors who help make our Christmas program and other initiatives of the Gallatin Rotary Foundation possible!#itsagreatdaytobearotarian #gallatinrotarychristmasforkids #ServiceAboveSelf #gallatinrotaryclub #JoinUs #gallatinrotary #tellyourrotarybuddy #rotaryfifththursday #likecommentsharefollow #sumnercounty #sumnercountytn #rotarywheelsinmotion #gallatinmiraclepark #LetsGetToWork #PeopleOfAction #rotaryinternational #Rotary #rotarydistrict6760 ... See MoreSee Less
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REMEMBER - You need to drive to the Hospital for Rotary today, not to The Gathering Place By Bit-O-Heaven Catering & Events!Today for Rotary we are touring Highpoint Health Sumner and the technology involved in modern medicine.Park in the garage.Enter the main doors and look for greeters!See you at lunch. ... See MoreSee Less
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REMEMBER: We are doing Fifth Thursday differently this time! - Highpoint Health Sumner will host Rotary over lunch at the hospital this week.Thursday, January 30, 2025Noon - 1:30pmPark in the garage and enter the main lobby.You will be directed to the meeting room.Highpoint Health will lead us on a tour of the technology in diagnosis, surgery, and treatment within our local hospital.IF YOU DID NOT PRE-REGISTER FOR THIS WEEK PLEASE CONTACT PHILLIP BENNETT OR MINERVA MUNOZ CRUZ. We had to give Bit of Heaven and the Hospital an advance RSVP headcount. #rotarycalendar2025 #checkyourcalendar #gallatinrotaryclub #gallatinrotary #likecommentsharefollow #rotaryfifththursday #fifththursday #UpNextForRotary #tellyourrotarybuddy #ServiceAboveSelf #PeopleOfAction #LetsGetToWork #JoinUs #Rotary #rotaryinternational #rotarydistrict6760 #itsagreatdaytobearotarian ... See MoreSee Less
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