The Gallatin Rotary Club Would Like to Invite You to Join Us in Our Causes

Since our founding in 1923, The Gallatin Rotary Club has been promoting, assisting and financing many activities that few people know about.

Our biggest event is “Christmas for Kids” which we have done for 35+ years; we take around 130 deserving school-aged children shopping and send them home with not only gifts for them and their families, but a grocery cart overflowing with food and paper products so their families can have the Christmas every child deserves.

We also honor Gallatin High School CTE students, hold an annual banquet to honor the school’s top students, and give away a bicycle every month to one student in each Gallatin elementary school who exhibits great citizenship. And there’s more…

We meet almost every week at noon on Thursday’s at The Gathering Place, which is located at 450 West Main Street – it’s in the building in the back of the lot.

We would love to have you visit us, and if the time is not convenient, we have started a satellite club which meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm at BYH at 122 W. Franklin Street. Arrive a little early to get your food order in.

Either way, please come help us make Gallatin a better place than it already is…

If you have any questions, please contact us on our Facebook page (you will find a convenient link at the bottom right sidebar to this website) and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to meeting you!



Cover for Gallatin Rotary Club - noon
Gallatin Rotary Club - noon

Gallatin Rotary Club - noon

Gallatin Rotary Club meets at Noon on Thursdays at The Gathering Place.

COMING SOON TO GALLATIN ROTARYMark your calendars for some great conversations over the next few weeks with the Gallatin Rotary:Thursday, July 18: Cathy Graff - Director of the Sumner County Schools Family Resource Center Thursday, July 25: Erin Birch - CEO of the United Way of Sumner CountyThursday, August 1 - Michael Stroup - Head Coach of the Gallatin Green Wave football team**NOTE: Thursday, August 1 is also the State and Federal Primary and Sumner County General Election. We encourage all Rotarians to vote and be active in selecting the leadership of our communities. The early voting calendar is included here as well.We welcome visitors to learn more about what's' going on in our local community and to find ways to be involved.Buffet lunch service starts about 11:45am. Our program begins about 12:15pm and we try to wrap up by 1:00pm. Please join us and come see what Rotary is all about! #tellyourrotarybuddy #UpNextForRotary #rotarycalendar2024 #rotarycalendar #guestspeakers #ServiceAboveSelf #joinus #LetsGetToWork #PeopleOfAction #Rotary #rotaryinternational #rotarydistrict6760 #gallatinrotary #gallatinrotaryclub #sumnercountyschools #GallatinHighSchool #sumnercountytn #sumnercounty #likecommentsharefollow #unitedwayofsumnercounty #VoteEveryElection #voteeverytime #votelocal #LocalElectionsMatter #votesumnertn #GoVoteTN ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Gallatin Rotary Club - noon
And we are off to a great start for the 2024-2025 Rotary year!Today we welcomed the first meeting with President Phillip Bennett. In the day, Jennifer Nichols became #TheWorldsNewestRotarian as she joined Rotary and our Club. And we heard from Tyler Ford of tnAchieves to talk about the role that mentors have in contributing to the success of first-and second-year college students in Tennessee. Lots more to come in the year ahead of us. Join us and help make a difference in Gallatin and Sumner County. 📸 1: President Phillip Bennett’s first meeting📸 2 & 3: President Bennett and Rotarian Tara Wiley welcome and induct Jennifer Nichols as our newest member📸 4 & 5: Tyler Ford’s presentation to the Club addressed the simple steps of being a mentor and the direct impact that relationship has on the college students in the prog ... See MoreSee Less
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The 2024-2025 program year begins on Thursday, July 11th for Gallatin Rotary. As President Phillip Bennet begins his service to our club for the next year, we begin with a program on tnAchieves. Our club is excited to welcome Tyler Ford, Senior Director of Mentors, to discuss the ways our community can support students finishing high school and preparing for higher education in the State of Tennessee.As a reminder, Early Voting begins in Sumner County on Friday, July 12, 204 and runs six days a week through Saturday, August 27. Election day for the State and Federal Primary and Sumner County General will be Thursday, August 1, 2024.#UpNextForRotary #rotarycalendar2024 #rotarycalendar #tellyourrotarybuddy #guestspeakers #GoVoteTN #VoteEveryElection #voteeverytime #votelocal #LocalElectionsMatter #votesumnertn #likecommentsharefollow #ServiceAboveSelf #LetsGetToWork #PeopleOfAction #joinus #Rotary #rotaryinternational #rotarydistrict6760 #gallatintn #gallatinrotary #gallatinrotaryclub #tnAchieves #TNPromise #tnmentors #mentorsneeded ... See MoreSee Less
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This spring our Club has assisted the Nashville International Center for Empowerment with the resettlement of the Malang Family from South Sudan. "The Malang family, from South Sudan, Africa, legal refugees from this war torn area have resettled in our community thru the NICE refugee program and with the support of the partnership of Gallatin Rotary and the First Presbyterian Church of Gallatin. We are grateful for the generosity of 20 Gallatin Rotarians who have shared storage space, transport, household goods, furniture, food and financial support. We even received two bicycles this past week! The soon to be employed two older sons are awaiting one more approval to work and the mother enjoys taking her family to the South Sudan Presbyterian Church each Sunday. All four sons are hoping to play local recreational soccer. We are pleased to help-our thanks to all!Also, note that the two older sons worked the First Presbyterian Community Garden with Susan this early summer and truly wanted to help!They are a great new addition to our community!Thank you,Cindi Hewitt, Dave Hewitt and Susan Johnson-Chair"Images and text submitted by Rotarian Cindi Hewitt#ItsAGreatDayToBeARotarian #LetsGetToWork #PeopleOfAction #joinus #rotaryfourwaytest #serviceaboveself #rotary #rotaryinternational #rotarydistrict6760 #gallatinrotary #gallatinrotaryclub #likecommentsharefollow #RefugeesWelcome #nashvillecommunity #immigrantswelcome #welcomehome #WelcomeToTennessee ... See MoreSee Less
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May we as Rotarians always be about the work of forming "a more perfect Union."We are not meeting today in observation of the Fourth of July holiday. Have a safe and enjoyable celebration with your friends and neighbors. We will be back together on Thursday, July 11 for our first meeting of the 2024-2025 Rotary Year.#GallatinRotary #GallatinRotaryClub #ItsAGreatDayToBeARotarian #ServiceAboveSelf #LetsGetToWork #PeopleOfAction #joinus #rotaryinternational #rotary #rotarydistrict6760 #nolunchmeetingthisweek #nolunchmeetingtoday #UpNextForRotary #RotaryCalendar2024 #rotarycalendar #TellYourRotaryBuddy #fourthofjuly #fourthofjulyweekend #amoreperfectunion #likecommentsharefollow ... See MoreSee Less
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